What to bring

Now that all that history part is done, it’s time to get into the good stuff. Maui is one of the most beautiful places on earth. However, it’s an island, so everything has to be shipped to it. The average cost of living is about 30% to 60% higher than the average, so you can only imagine the prices. If you’re going to bring anything, bring a lot of money. Since you can’t really bring food or water by airplane, you almost have to buy everything once you arrive in Maui. With all that said and done, it would be best if sunscreen was brought 2nd to only bringing money. Well, you'll pretty much fry without it. I say they are both the most important. A camera is a must, good hiking boots because you’ll want to do a lot of that, things for swimming. Basically, you should bring everything with you that you would bring if you were going hiking/swimming just to be prepared for anything